Tuesday 29 October 2013

An impromptu training session

Yesterday the trains from my work were not running, due to trees falling on the tracks. I decided after seeing the bus queues, that it was a lot easier to walk home, than it was to fight all the people around me to get on a bus that would take me home. There were a lot of people jostling for position in what can only be described as a "bundle". So, walking home was for me.

And along the way, I found some new things in Hamburg I hadnt seen before. I walked through an area called Willhemsburg, which is known as a "bad" area. I actually loved it, but maybe I wasnt in the worst areas of willhemsburg. It was a nice night (apart from the headwind), and I also got to walk through some famous landmarks.

This was the old Elbe tunnel, luckily cars are not allowed to go through this after 1900, so I was fairly alone in my walk.

And, Grossfreiheit, where the Beetles first became famous....

The only difficult part of such a long walk, was the fact that i was wearing a suit, with leather shoes (not comfortable ones) and was carrying my shopping I had just bought. Perhaps I wont take the shopping next time.

But I do recommend walking home from work sometime....

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